First, we're grateful you're here. It's hard to put into words the love and respect we have for you without even knowing you. It may seem insincere to hear that from someone who you've never met but we get mean it. We are so thankful you’re considering adoption and that our paths are crossing!
When we met our daughter's birth mom, we gained a whole new appreciation for what she went and continues to go through every day. She had nothing but love for her baby and love is what drove every decision she and our daughter's birth father made. I know we don't know exactly what you're feeling and going through but we have a tiny idea and words don't do justice to explain the respect and appreciation we feel for you. We saw and continue to see God's hand in every piece of our life and in all the timing. We know that people come into your life when and how they are meant to and that relationships are the most meaningful parts of life. We really hope to get to have you in our life too.
We will be grateful for the sleepless nights again and soak up all the evenings playing on the living room floor or in the back yard. We'll play and go on trips every chance we get. We will be on the front row of every single event, recital, game, and anything else they do, cheering so loud! We'll never be too tired or too busy to listen or read stories. We will SAVOR all the milestones and celebrations and comfort during the heartaches. Becoming parents, especially through adoption has been our greatest joy!
We're so grateful for this opportunity to get to know you better and to love and welcome more people into our family.
Andy, Kaylie & Lo