I have done adoptions for over ten years. I have laughed and cried more than I can count. I have come across so many amazing birth parents, adoptive families, babies and adoption professionals. People ask me what my job is and when they find out I work in the adoption field, the response is almost always the same: “How did you get into that?! I bet you see so many amazing things!”
Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe the adoption process. Birth parents make the most selfless decision I have ever seen, and adoptive families who have experienced heartache and grief experience a miracle they could never provide on their own. So, the reward of adoption is seeing the process come full circle. It is seeing birth parents choose an adoptive family that they feel connected to and become extended family. It is watching an adoptive couple try to express their appreciation and love to birth parents by giving them a meaningful gift and sharing a hug. So many times these birth parents have never received a gift- ever. It is sitting with birth parents and crying with them as they relinquish their rights to a precious baby. It is hearing these birth parents express their desire for their baby to have every opportunity in life. It is seeing a beautiful, perfect baby brought into the world and loved by so many people. This is the true blessing that adoption is.