Kami and Carl had been married for several years. They had a darling 3 year old son. Kami found out unexpectedly that she was pregnant again. Carl’s job wasn’t really consistent, so they were struggling financially. Kami and Carl were trying to decide how they could take care of another child, when someone mentioned the idea of adoption. Kami and Carl decided they needed to look into it.

Kami called Act of Love Adoption Agency in Utah. She expected it to be a very informative phone call to get some information. What surprised her was that she felt like she had a new friend when she hung up the phone. Kami told Carl that she was feeling really good about the idea of adoption.

Kami and Carl got their paperwork and started to talk to their adoption caseworker and counselor. They felt better and better about adoption. Then it was time for them to look at adoptive family profiles. Kami and Carl instantly loved Maggie and Luke. They knew they should be the parents of their baby girl. They did a conference call that went very well. Kami and Carl began to be excited about their adoption plan. After a couple of phone calls, they realized that they both loved animals and watching old movies. These phone calls had helped them to connect with each other and they began to build a relationship that would be so wonderful for their child.

Kami went into labor a couple of weeks early. The adoptive family quickly made arrangements to get to the hospital. Kami had a healthy baby girl that she was so excited to place in Maggie’s arms. Kami and Carl met Maggie and Luke and there was an instant bond. They got along so well that it was like they were already family.

Kami and Carl met with the attorney and signed legal documents. This is what they told Act of Love Adoption Agency about their experience: “Thank you guys for everything you helped me with! Just texting or calling me every other day was very helpful…..We’ve never met but I feel like we have. You guys are a very caring group of people, and I can’t imagine what my experience would have been like if I had went with another agency…..Thank you!”

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