A few years ago around Thanksgiving time, a young mother from California contacted A Act of Love Adoption Agency about information on placing her twenty-month old baby for adoption. She tearfully explained that she was working night and day and still couldn’t make enough money to provide for all the needs of her child. She further expressed that she was behind on her immunizations and the environment she was growing up in was not good for a child.

After meeting with the adoption agency staff, meeting with a counselor several times and taking her daughter to the pediatrician to bring her shots up to date, this birthmother completed all the up-front paperwork and re-confirmed that this was the best thing for her child. Although she was very sad, she was ready to move forward with adoption.

A Act of Love agency staff contacted adoptive couples that were open to adopting a toddler. Several couples were excited and wanted their profile to be shown. One couple was particularly excited and amazed. This was a childless couple. Several years earlier, the adoptive mom had dreamed about a toddler being placed in her arms. After seeing a photo of the littler girl, she knew this was her daughter — she was the child in her dream.

None of this was known by the agency or the birthmother as she received the profiles of the different adoptive couples. Upon reviewing all the profiles, the birthmother selected one and felt strongly they were the right parents for her daughter. Upon hearing the news, this couple wept in gratitude — it was the adoptive mom who had had the dream. A conference call was arranged for the birthmother and adoptive parents to talk. It was as though they had known each other for years. They were able to talk easily and happily. A plan was set for them to meet and begin a transition for the child.

About a week later, the adoptive parents, birthmother and child met for the first time, together with A Act of Love Adoptions agency staff. It was a beautiful meeting. The child went immediately to the adoptive parents where they began to play with toys together on the floor. The birthmother was relaxed and relieved as she watched her naturally gravitate toward the couple. After a couple hours it seemed like a family reunion. The child sat contently on the adoptive Dad’s lap while birth mom & adoptive mom chatted aimlessly about everything….comparing interests, hobbies, favorite foods and stores.

The next day they met again and as the adoptive couple walked in the room, the little girl excitedly raised her arms for them to pick her up! This gave the birth mom great comfort watching the bonding taking place. Several happy hours were spent with all of them together and the two Moms talked in detail about the child’s schedule, her food likes & dislikes and favorite toys. Later that evening, the child’s biological grandmother came with the birth mom to meet the adoptive couple. Again, it was an incredible meeting where it seemed like old friends uniting. As they were leaving, the grandmother commented on how happy she was to have been there. She was nervous and reluctant about coming but was so glad she did.

The birthfather had been contacted prior to the birthmother making the adoption decision and he agreed to sign the paperwork relinquishing his rights. They no longer had a relationship and he did not have a relationship with the child. On the third day, the birthfather signed his paperwork and the birthmother signed a few hours later.

The birth mom and adoptive parents and child met again that night and the birth mom placed her daughter in their arms. The daughter would be staying with them that night and they made plans to meet up the next morning. The next morning came and there were tears of sorrow and joy. They all held each other for a long time; each in gratitude for the other but knowing the relationship was not ending there. The adoption agency staff helped them all to create an agreement for a very open adoption and plans were set for a visit in the upcoming year. What an incredible Christmas gift for all!



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